The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History. By Elizabeth Kolbert. Henry Holt; 302 pages; $28. Bloomsbury; £20. Buy from,
BLEAK headlines abound about species on the brink. Monarch butterflies in Mexico are struggling. So are starfish in America, vultures in South Asia and coral reefs everywhere.
This is depressing stuff. It’s also a glimpse of the future. As the climate warms, catastrophe looms. Yet it is oddly pleasurable to read Elizabeth Kolbert’s new book, which offers a ramble through mass extinctions, present and past. Five such episodes in the past 450m years have wiped out plant and animal life on huge scales. A sixth appears to be upon us.
Ms Kolbert, who writes for the New Yorker, uses case studies to document the crisis. Setting out for Panama to investigate a vanishing species of frog, she learns that amphibians are the world’s most imperilled class of animal. Close to her home in New England, a fast-spreading fungus has left bat corpses strewn through caves. On a tiny island off Australia’s coast, she laments the degradation of the Great Barrier Reef by ocean acidification, sometimes known as global warming’s “evil twin”.
A new geological epoch may have arrived. Some scientists have dubbed it the “Anthropocene” after its human perpetrators. Another proposed the “Catastrophozoic”. By the reckoning of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, two-fifths of all amphibians, a quarter of mammals and an eighth of birds are threatened. Humans, as another writer has observed, have “succeeded extravagantly at the expense of other species”. A wonderful chapter covers the North Atlantic’s once-abundant, flightless great auks (pictured), last spotted in Darwin’s time.
But the Anthropocene may actually extend back beyond recent centuries, Ms Kolbert argues. In the debate over the cause of the extinction of large, legendary creatures like mastodons and woolly rhinoceroses, she tends to blame people rather than the end of the most recent ice age. Humans even did away with the Neanderthals—after mating with them. “Does it have to end this way?” she asks, after touring a Californian facility that preserves the cells of vanishing species in vials. It is known as the “frozen zoo”.
To science-minded readers, little of this will be revelatory. Ms Kolbert glides through the problems humans have created—climate change, incursion into wildlands, the transport of invasive species—with broad strokes. She misses a few chances to emphasise the value of biodiversity, beyond its natural wondrousness and the general interconnectedness of species. Her chapter on bats, for example, does not mention their importance to human food supplies as bug-eaters.
Clearly she hopes to engage casual readers with the ecological crisis of our times. A mass extinction, she writes, is “one of the rarest events in life’s history”. Indeed, the concept of extinction was not always accepted as fact. Eighteenth-century scientists had trouble imagining entire species vanishing, even as strange bones turned up. And theories of mass extinction are always subject to debate. The idea that an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs and a majority of other species more than 60m years ago earned scoffs at first.
The root cause of the current extinctions is not ambiguous. Humans have already left a mark, and our ingenuity seems unlikely to turn things around. Wisely, Ms Kolbert refuses to end on an optimistic note. “Life”, she writes, “is extremely resilient but not infinitely so.”
The Economist